Saturday, April 7, 2012


Houston, we have a the form of a shiny skinny can:

Went for a run this afternoon after the wind finally went down after blowing for what seems like a month.  To say I was sluggish may be an understatement.  I stopped several times to adjust my holster when really I was pry just looking for an excuse to take a breather.  

A lil nagging voice in the back of my head has been warning me of the dangers of over indulgence, but I've remained in a state of oblivious denial.  However, as May 5th comes upon me like a bad dream, I have to face the light and set some ground rules.  It pains me really to say this, but I'm enforcing a 2 can limit of my beloved Ultra.  Please don't judge me.

To further convince myself, I googled the effects of alcohol on athletic performance.  I found an interesting study published by Princeton University and the NCAA.  To summarize:
1. Alcohol use cancels out gains from a workout.
2. Alcohol causes dehydration and slows the body's ability to heal.
3. Alcohol use prevents muscle recovery.
4. Alcohol use depletes your source of energy.
5. Alcohol use constricts endurance.

In less than a month I'll be running a half marathon.   While I have no delusions of breaking any speed records, I would like it to be as enjoyable as possible and crawling across the finish line in front of the thousands that arrive before me does not sound enjoyable.  That being said, I'm going to need the support of each and every one of you.  Thanks in advance.  Sincerely, Me.

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