Thursday, December 15, 2011

Does it really matter?

Obviously, my husband and I have very different beliefs when it comes to wrapping presents.  

Mine: (with minimal wine)
  Apparently, he got the multiple memos of "If you don't like it do it your fricken self" so after coming home from an exciting evening of working on snowmobiles,  he sat down and helped me.  He seriously actually counts and follows the grid lines on the inside of the paper when cutting.  Then, he creases, and re-creases before folding and uses perfectly proportioned pieces of tape.  I don't know why I'm so surprised.  This is the same man that turned our daughter's school Valentine box into a week long project requiring a welder and table saw.  Really.

His: (with multiple Budweisers, I'm sure)

  I swear he thinks he's personally saving our kids and family members from the trauma of my shitty wrapping skills.  I'm perfectly capable of wrapping presents neatly.  But, why?  Does anyone out there reeeaally examine the wrapping paper before going after the goods inside? 

Workout plan for tonight: 
 Run another 3 on the treadmill or run 2 and do Jillian's power sculpt or 6 week abs.  

  Are you a freaky anal present wrapper or do you just throw it all together and cover what's inside? 
Has anyone accidently erased an entire post because I just did that.  Farewell, Woot Woot:(


  1. This totally does NOT surprise me!!!! I bet he was cussing you so bad when he saw yours compared to his.

  2. Thanks for stopping by to comment on my marathon, you are so sweet :) !!
