Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Will it ever end??

This week.  Will it ever end??

Monday-typical work day only to get home to log into my grad class to find out the project that I THOUGHT was due the end of the week was due that night.  Skipped working out and finished by 10:30.
Tuesday-spent over 3 hours in a bus on icy roads to go to a JH basketball game. 
On the bright side, we won; however, by the time I got home it was late, I was crabby, and the kids needed my every minute. I was then a total loser and laid in bed watching the Biggest Loser finale. 

Wednesday (today) - I was super pumped because I took a day off from work for somewhat of a "mental" health day....only to receive a call from preschool that my son was sick.  Grandma to the rescue as I was 100 miles away.  Came home to face the dreadmill as I couldn't run outside.  This is my view from the beast:
To pass the time, I decided to name them and came up with Larry, Moe, and Curly.  They are so polite to look slightly away from my misery.  All except for Moe, anyways.  See how his right eye is watching me watching him.  Creepy.  I think Larry and Curly secretly hate Moe for having such a big rack??

I made my 3 miles but was on the brink of insanity.  I think I'll use this to cover Moe's eye next time:

Question:  How do you overcome the dreadmill? 


  1. Ughhh.....If you find out the answer to that let me know. I'm hoping my next one can be outside!

  2. You are absolutely hilarious! I loved this post! too funny

    p.s. i hate the dreadmill too! one thing i do is to change the speed every half or quarter helps pass the time and the monotony (I also stretch after the first mile) 1st mile is always the worst!

  3. You know how I feel about the dreadmill so I got nothing...I considered drinking alot of wine prior to the run, maybe to trick myself into thinking it wasnt as terrible as I anticipate, however, thats a disaster waiting to happen. I have a hard enough time trying not to trip on the dreadmill let alone after having some wine.
    And Love the deer names, all of ours have names also. Happy is the one who creeps me out....he is "rutting" so he is "smiling"....yep, I have a smiling deer head on my wall. Talk about creepy.

  4. Katie, thanks for the ideas. I'm going to call you "wise one" from now on and email you in near panic attacks closer to May. Just a warning.

  5. I read. I know it sounds crazy to be reading on the treadmill but I have a kindle and I just set the font big and read. I also do what Katie said. I change the speed and incline a lot. Makes the time and mileage go faster.
