Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sisterly Bonding

Workout this morning: Ran (who am I kidding, wogged) 3 miles.  It was rough.  I had the flu Monday and now I'm getting a head cold.  Fun times.

After my unsuccessful "run", my sister and I headed to town for a day of sisterly bonding doing what all sisters do for bonding time...getting tattoos...on their eyelids.  I guess the professional term is "permanent cosmetics".  I suspected it would hurt, but I figured, "c'mon, I've had 2 kids; it can't be thaaaat bad."  Ask any mother...after having kids every painful experience thereafter gets compared to childbirth.  Really.  Also, one of my bff's has had it done and she's not that tough, so I figured I could handle it.  I didn't remember her having any horror stories about it.  I'll be calling her later. 

My strategy was to go first so that I wouldn't chicken out after seeing Heather squirm in pain.  The girl (I can't remember the professional name for her either) warned me that the first "pass" would be uncomfy.  So, I pucker up while she forces my clenched lids apart and goes to town.  Left eye done.  Could be worse.  Right eye definitely worse.  S***, F***, D***, M**.  Well, you get the picture.  Being the extremely nice sister I am, I say none of these words out loud as Heather is sitting there, and I don't want to totally freak her out. 

This is where the girl enthusiastically tells me that some require 3 passes and others require 10.  Let's just say it was a good thing I'd just emptied my bladder.  Thankfully, each pass over my eyelids hurt less (except the outer edges).  Heather was in disbelief after getting her first "pass".  I let her think I was just a lot tougher than her (and I was) for awhile and then confessed that I was being a super thoughtful sister by refraining from swearing.  

The other day I went running with the girls and they were gracious enough to talk the whole way to distract me on my first "long" training run.  I figured I could do the same for Heather and told her how awesome permanent eyeliner would be playing volleyball, working out and that when she crossed the finish line for her first half she'd look HOT.  The girl shared a soothing, relaxing mantra with us and we told her swearing was more our style. 

Regardless, I am super excited to not have to mess with eyeliner in the mornings...especially since calving season will be among us soon so I'm going to have to resort to running in the mornings before work.  
Me just 4 hours after the procedure.  My daughter keeps telling me how creepy I look and I keep reassuring her the swelling will go down, the color will tone down, and I won't look so creepy.  Right??

P.S. - Read Heather's account of our day here.

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